Pixelmusement Small Games Last Updated:
September 30th, 2019

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Small Games

I've decided it would probably be a good idea to make a page dedicated to any small projects I work on over the years, so if I make anything tiny and super-quick, here's where you'll find it!

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Text Mode MegaRace

Click on any of the screenshots below to enlarge them!

Text Mode MegaRace Title Screen Text Mode MegaRace Car Selection Text Mode MegaRace Gameplay 01 Text Mode MegaRace Gameplay 02 Text Mode MegaRace Gameplay 03 Text Mode MegaRace Gameplay 04

icon   Click here to download Text Mode MegaRace v1.0!

This came about as a result of a little comment I made about PixelShips being "Pokémon, but as a space shooter", which a friend replied to saying, "Galaga, as a text adventure", at which point he proceeded to joke about it while I just sort of sat back and thought to myself, "No... I could make that fun... I could make a LOT of text mode conversions fun!" :o

Thus, I put it up to a vote on one of my Twitch Livestreams and the viewers decided MegaRace was going to get the text mode treatment! MegaRace is a game I covered a long time ago back in Episode 9 of Ancient DOS Games with FMV based gameplay, so how the heck does this translate into a text-based game? :o

The answer? Surprisingly well, actually! This game has some legitimate challenge to it without being unfair! Included with the download is both the game itself as a DOS executable which should run on a real DOS machine or inside a DOS emulator such as DOSBox, as well as the full QuickBASIC source code for those who want to tinker around and add their own flavour to the game! :D

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EGA Combat Gladiators Arena

Click on any of the screenshots below to enlarge them!

EGACGA Title Screen EGACGA Level 1 EGACGA Level 2 EGACGA Level 3

icon   Click here to download EGA Combat Gladiators Arena!

This was made in about a week in tanderm with Episode 250 of Ancient DOS Games which covered Game-Maker by Recreational Software Designs, an old tool used to create games without coding. Whether or not it was any good at it is... debatable. In any case, this is a DOS game so I recommended you run this either on an old system or using a DOS emulator such as DOSBox with the cycles count set to max. It also includes all of the files needed to load it up in Game-Maker v3.0 itself, which you can grab from here: http://www.aderack.com/game-maker

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ASCII Character Editor v1.02

Click on the screenshot below to enlarge it!

CharEdit Screenshot 01

icon   Click here to download ASCII Character Editor v1.02!

Made this really quickly on a livestream to go towards a future project to be made on stream, although it has some significant uses for sure as modifying the glyphs in text mode can often lead to much faster results than trying to do things graphically, depending on what you're making! Because this was a purpose-built program it only works in 80x25 text mode with an 8x16 glyph size, but feel free to modify it as you see fit as source code is included! (Though will only work in QuickBASIC, NOT QBASIC!) It is recommended that you run this either on an old system or using a DOS emulator such as DOSBox.

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QB Debugger Hero v1.0

Click on any of the screenshots below to enlarge them!

QBDH Title Screen QBDH Early Level QBDH Later Level QBDH Total Mayhem!

icon   Click here to download QB Debugger Hero v1.0!

Made this game during the course of two livestreams in under 6 hours of total effort, from scratch, using QuickBASIC. It's an extremely simple Robotron 2084 clone which turned out quite a bit easier than the game it's based off of. When you first start it up, make sure NumLock is on otherwise you won't be able to fire your lasers. If you still can't, try toggling NumLock off then on again. It is recommended that you run this either on an old system or using a DOS emulator such as DOSBox with a fixed cycles count of around 30,000. Source code included with download!


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